When you've GOD on yourside, everything will become Clear :)

Kamis, 24 Januari 2013

Some Greeting for Momoyy ^^

Hi... Princess, how about your day, today? kkk ~ I hope all fine and God bless us xoxo ^^

actually, it was so long time I haven't post something in here, kkk ~ mianhae, I've some busy hole currently :D

and, so sorry if I started to writting in english again, lately my english become so suck cause of I didn't practise where ever I could.
then, Im sorry if my english still suck until I write this post *I'll be grateful if you've corrected my bad grammar* lol :DD

well guys, 2 days ago Rio have celebrated his birthday!!! Happy Birthday Rio!!!
I wish nothin' but, all the best for you :) keep pushing and be the best best best ^^ hohoho
and, now Rio turned into 20th young man! lol

and, I made something for you ^^ hope this is your favorite food kkk ~

fettuccine made by meh ^^
it was really weird cause of I've added oreo as the garnish for fettuccine hehehe ^^"

and,this is the moreeee photos I've captured *actually, it just about have different angles lol*

Happy Birthday RIO (my Vitamin) 생일축하해요 오빠 ;)

*I called Rio as momoyy ^^ and just me who knows about the meaning hehehe ;)*

Greeting from SR (SahabatRio)  for Rio's birthday :

Sorry about the credits, I took it randomly from twitter :D

but, I've to said thank you for all greeting you've done for Rio, Big Big SMILE ^^

Special photos from Rio official fanpage (when they was in Lawu mount)

with mom and dad ^^

with Dennis 

"when you rise in the morning, give thank's for the light, for your LIFE, for your STRENGTH. give thank's for your food and for the joy of living. if you see no reason to give thank's, the fault lies in your self."

"The way I see it, you should live everyday like its your birthday" 

happy happy happy birthday to youuuuu ^^

 aReStefani   ☺

PS: I know, my english is not really good, ultimate failure ㅠ.ㅠ , still learning, I know you're the best ^^ thank you =]

Rabu, 02 Januari 2013



today is 2nd pages of 365 pages :^^:

hari ke dua setelah 1 hari kemarin kita lewati dengan penuh kesukaan (I hope)

perhaps, kalian bingung, kenapa aku nulis judul nya tanggal 02 januari?
biasanya kan yang lain lebih ber"kesan" di tanggal 01.01.2013 nya...

gak ada yang special sih, cuman aku pengen beda aja :D

karena, menurut aku tanggal 01 januari masih hari transisi dari 2012 ke 2013. masih banyak orang yang belum sadar kalo mereka harus sudah "menitiki" semua yang sudah masuk list resolusi di tahun 2013.

nah... baru lah tanggal 02 Januari semuanya baru menyadari dan... Hari ini lah Hari PERTAMA dengan semangat baru di Tahun 2013!!! *yeaaaaaah* :D

Di tanya Resolusi...
what's your resolution for 2013 head?

-yang penting sih semuanya makin membaik... dari tahun 2012 kemarin :D

be better... and more better... have lots of sweet moment and learn about all things, loving and loved. struggle and more struggle, hoping and praying, be the best for everyones and be the best for someone ^^ 

itu aja sih yang jadi "goal" nya aku sekarang ^o^ hohoho

anyway, what's your "goal" in 2013 to be exact princess? 

New year's firework

regard wif luv 

Are Stefaniiiw ^^